Friday, August 26, 2011

What Is Turbo SL?

Turbo SL is about the Second Life avatar Otto Turbo and his adventures in Second Life. Otto Turbo is me. I'll post about the people I meet and hang out with, the things we do there and the things we shouldn't do.

Otto has been in SL 3 years now and has had lots of adventures and met some wonderful people there. I intend to share all. Recently, it is as if Otto's SL has started all over again due to some wonderful new friends. Most of this blog will be focused on them, but the past will also make up a large portion of the posts and the very dear friends I have made and still treasure.

I intend to discuss friends, lovers, virtual products, social events, building, scripting, sculpted prims, particles, DJing, live music and reviewing performers and nightclubs and interesting locations. All of this and more without revealing anyone's personal information. This will be an adult oriented blog so please try to keep an open mind.