Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fun Time/Play Time

I logged into SL to meet up with cat and some R&R. I logged on only to be TP'd away to an unknown destination for an unknown reason. Originally, cat and I had a play time date setup before I even logged on. I arrived in SL before she did so when I got the TP I thought it would not hurt to check it out, but there was a problem.

This happens way too often in SL for my tastes. When you first login, your viewer/computer is downloading all of the 3D images and objects around you. It takes a few minutes actually to rez in even on a fast connection/computer. To receive a teleport request from someone during this time is frustrating to say the least. Not only will your world not be allowed to rez in but there will be no time to check your offline messages. When someone sends a teleport request, it covers the offline messages you received while you were away. This is terribly inconvenient and the sender of the TP request knows this so it is also quite rude. You will be unable to check your messages until you have teleported to the friend's location, which I did. Keep in mind that while the friend can send a short message giving you a heads-up as to where you are being asked to go, in most cases, that is not done. And it's true, I am given the option of cancelling out of the request but I have a rule, everyone gets one chance. This particular friend had never done this to me before so I gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed that the location she was requesting I come to was very very important. More important that my being able to see my environment and view my offline messages.

As it turns out, it was not important at all. It was just a greedy greedy game with a bunch of people I have never met and it was in local voice chat. SL voice chat with 8+ people is like a bad acid trip. It's echo upon echo and feedback upon feedback. Some volumes are way loud and distorted and the rest are so quiet that you cannot hear. It's a mess. My RL wife actually came down the hall way and asked me to please shut my door. It was that bad. How annoying! So for this particular friend, she had her one chance and now I know not to accept teleport requests from her without explanation, (and you know who you are). But in the end, I did have lots of fun and met some nice, funny and new people. I was even added to their group. But the teleport invite could have waited a few minutes until I rezzed in and read my offline messages. Just a word of advice to anyone in SL who sees a friend logon that they want to be with; at least IM them first and ask if they are able to accept a teleport request and give the reason(s) for wanting them to teleport to you. It's only common courtesy.

Originally, I was to go out with my wife, lover, submissive, cat, but the greedy greedy game delayed that a bit but it was okay, she had logged on a few minutes after me so it worked out anyway. But what happened after that was a bit frustrating. In hindsight, it was to be expected, but initially, cat and I had planned on going out on the grid and raising hell. By that I mean doing shocking things that I am not certain I want to share here. Things that are shocking, exciting, naughty. Things one would never do in RL and even in SL, things that bring pause to many. It was a time for us to go out and perform mischief. Raise some hell. Sew our wild oats. Push our limits, etc. I was hungry for some passion and sex and so was she. For my plans to work, I would require a stranger to participate. I took cat to several places but nothing was happening at those normally popular places. I was getting frustrated because I knew we were in a race against time (as always it seems) so I kept teleporting from place to place.

During those times I would have to leave cat behind alone. So far, nobody has come up with a way for 2 people to teleport simultaneously (which does not surprise me, as often times teleports fail for only one person), but if anyone ever figures that out, they will be rich! So while I was gone, even if it was for only a couple of minutes, she would get hit on by men who saw that I had left her behind. This is sort of the type of guy I was looking for for her to play with, but they need to have balls enough to ask me first. So I finally found us a place, a public disgrace place, and we went exploring. We walked past a very large, wide, fat man smoking a cigar in front of a building. I took cat up the stairs to explore the building. There was a woman in there but she was afk. So I took her back down into the streets. There were dozens of people there but they were all couples and quite silent. By 'silent' I mean that they must have been in private IM chat because there was no public chat nor voice chat occurring. So I took cat down to the subways, below the streets. The last time I was here there were mazes full of tunnels and passages, little alcoves and rooms off to the side to trap victims and 'play' with them. Knowing full well that cat was in a playful mood, I thought these places would work out great.

So I found a trap to catch her in. She was bound tight and spread eagle on her back against her will. This worked out well because I needed to travel the maze of tunnels to find a fun place for us to play. I did see some people on my mini-map who were close so I would seek them out and see if we could not have some fun with them. I left cat alone there, bound and helpless despite her protests. I was not gone long, just enough to become disoriented in the maze of tunnels, before cat screamed to me in IM, "I'm being used!" Oh? Hmmm

It took me a minute but I finally made it back to the chamber I had left cat trapped in. There was this huge, fat guy with a cigar, the very same one we saw up at street level in front of the building. He was most certainly using cat. She was protesting up a storm. I made certain the large cigar smoking woman user and abuser knew I was present and he did not flinch. He kept right at pummeling cat with his grotesque penis, still smoking his cigar and blowing the smoke in her face. I realized this is exactly what the girl needed so I searched the menu on the device for a 3some interface and nothing.... The trap was for one man and one woman only. Yet another source of frustration. So I waited while the ogre used cat's mouth and pussy for his pleasure. Afterwards he even thanked me. It's so refreshing to run into a rapist with manners. It's about time! So I spent some time giving cat some warm aftercare then we went home.

The whole ordeal prompted us to look for a nice gang bang device to put into our Cherry Street Orgy/Free Sex place. cat found the perfect device disguised as a picnic table. She found it, looked up the creator's profile and found the store where it's sold and tp'd me there. I picked up a copy and placed it into the orgy room, which is getting pretty crowed by the way. Check it out at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sensual%20Freedom/59/197/2603

My office where I write this blog

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Smooth First Event

Line Dancing at the new Cherry Street
The grand opening of the new location of Cherry Street Nightclub went off without a hitch last night. It was Country/Western night in honor of cat's love of the genre and we all line danced the night away. I was so thrilled to learn that my daughter Neva was going to be able to attend. She stayed nearly the entire night. Also in attendance were Lydia, cat, a new couple, Clancy, Emi and Olu. There were two other people whom I have never met but they did quite well on the trivia questions. It was a fun time had by all. CupCake ended up winning the event which was best in Country/Western.

First night at the new location went quite well.
The main thing is, while at one point there were 42 bodies on the sim that night thanks to a couple of the neighboring parcels, there was little to no lag. So this move to Sensual Freedom was the right choice. I can now continue moving items over from Styll to this new place. While I am not quite sure yet what to do with the underwater ballroom as there is very little land to work with on the surface of the parcel, I was able to add an orgy/sex room which should prove to be popular once people have visited it. It's spacious and has oodles of toys to play with for couples on up to 7 sex maniacs at one time.

On Friday night, the tier runs out at Styll, so I have until then to move everything over. It's a much bigger job than I had first imagined, but I've had the weekend to do it and I'm nearly half-way finished so I do not expect any trouble. I will however be very very busy inworld so please excuse me if I do not respond to your IM in a timely fashion for the next week or so. Also, thanks everyone for your support during this move.

Monday, February 13, 2012


What a very very busy weekend this is shaping up to be for me! One of the problems with the sim I'm on, Styll, is that it's a Homestead sim. It is full in size but lacking in prims. A full sim will accommodate up to 15,000 prims. My homestead sim only handles 3750. This has not proved to be much of a problem though however, a homestead sim can only accommodate up to 20 people for the entire sim. A full sim can handle up to 100 people. There is also the issue of lag. A full sim resides physically on a computer server. A homestead sim shares a server with 3 other homestead sims. At least that's the theory. There's some speculation that homestead sim property managers are stuffing more and more homestead sims onto a single server. That and the fact that the other homestead sim dwellers on the same server can be running too many undesirable scripts, which will slow down performance and create lag, has prompted me to take some sort of action. So I have located a full sim that is divided up into quarters. So each of these four parcels can support 3750 prims, but they can also handle more than 20 avatars. I also ran a couple of different lag meter tests on both sims and this new one, Sensual Freedom, is over twice as fast as Styll and it will be costing me nearly L$2000 less in tier per week. It would seem like a no-brainer. But there are a couple of problems.

One problem with giving up Styll and moving to Sensual Freedom is that I will be giving up all that area and privacy. On Styll, there are no neighbors to upset. I cannot imagine what it is that I or my friends would do that would upset any neighbors but you simply never know with people. Because Sensual Freedom is an Adult rated sim, I doubt any of our perverted escapades would upset anyone, but if they do not like the looks of palm trees and naked tanning models, then they could easily become upset with us.

Another problem is area. Because the area for Cherry Street will be cut down by 3/4 of its original size, I have to become very creative. The nude beach and cuddle forest will have to be down on the ground, but everything else, including the club, dungeon, castle, shopping mall and more, will have to be up in the sky. There's simply not enough room on the ground anymore for everything. This also means no more racetrack. A one quarter sim simply isn't large enough for a racetrack.

So I have been moving everything over pretty much one prim at a time. I have also created a new orgy/sex area that should prove to be popular. I have set the default teleport in site to the club and shopping mall area and shortly after doing so, I had some people pop in to check the place out, so it's working already. All of my friends have been offering their help and support due to this being such a huge project, but because of the way Linden Labs rabidly works ownership and edit rights, nobody can help move my stuff over to the new place. But it is so good to have my friends with me, side by side, offering their support. You know who you are. Thank you all.

I have lived at Styll for well over 2 years now and it will seem strange to be letting it go. I have had people live with me such as my beloved JoJo and PattiQ, Wildman, Phac, LandyinRed, Dylan, Nezzy, Jareth, Whisper and so many more. There are so many memories associated with this virtual land, it's hard to imagine. I plan on writing the estate manager a notecard thanking him for all his support over the years and saying farewell for now. I certainly do reserve the option to return to a homestead sim should this quarter sim not work out, but I am so very much looking forward to being able to hold parties and events without crashing the land we are on. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the real test tonight which is the weekly country/western dance.

Monday, February 6, 2012

C&W, Date and 80s Nights

C&W night at Cherry Street w/Roy passed out from too much fun
cat really enjoys her country/western music. So much so that she has taken off on her own a few times to attend some C&W events. I don't play country music when I DJ but if she wants it that badly, I figured I should make an exception. So from now on, I proclaim that (at least until I change my mind) Monday nights at Cherry Street Nightclub are C&W nights. We had our first C&W night last Monday and it went pretty well. Met and made a new friend, Roy, and found a cool cowboy hat.

cat's suppressed desires
I had cat find me a bunch of C&W music to download and had her decorate the place and locate some line dance stuff for the club. She did really well and had a lot of fun doing it I think. My only concern was one of the silhouette decorations she put up. I could almost swear it looks like a cowgirl going Domme on a bunch of cowboys. Suppressed feelings there cat? Maybe some sort of fantasy of yours? We'll discuss this later.

cat getting DP'd as people look on

  Which brings me to date night. We don't get those very often. Date nights are when I take cat out and try some things with her that she's never tried before and gauge her reactions. For the most part, they are positive reactions. Date nights require a minimum of 2 hours to pull off. This night we went to a couple of places of a sexual nature. I think I have yet to take cat out to a ballroom and have a formal, romantic evening with her. It's just not her idea of fun. But these forced RP places are! I finally took her to Public Disgrace and it worked out perfectly. She even made a new friend whom she met while he was sodomizing her. One important, obvious note here. Guys, if you find a dominate with his sub and you are invited to play, it is only common sense that you friend the Dom not the girl! I mean, come on! She belongs to him, why would you be friending her? Makes no sense to me but I let it happen and let it slide this time. I can always have her un-friend him later. But regardless of this guy's poor manners, cat had a wonderful time. I was able to trap her on some RLV devices and force her to do all manner of naughty things to us. We will certainly be returning to that place again as I have taken the time to explore it more and have discovered that we have barely scratched the surface of all that place has to offer.

Lightning shooting out of my guitar
Finally, the next night was 80s night at Dolls of Death. cat was unable to make it so I was hesitant to go. I was not really in the mood to party but my friend Olu was DJing there and I figured the very least I can do is make the attempt. As it turned out, I ended up having a good time there despite myself. Cinder, birdie and Bruce were there as well, not to mention the dancing girls who always manage to bring a smile to my face.

I had no idea what to wear on 80s night. The event description mentioned "big hair" and 80s rocker garb. I went through my inventory and found a Flying Vee guitar with effects and figured that because I'd likely be naked halfway through the event, why bother with an outfit? At least with this guitar on, I'll still look 80s even without an outfit on. Well, I didn't place top 3 in the event but I still had fun.

Reading up at all that I've just posted makes it sound like all I do is sex and party. Well, that was certainly true this past week! Now it's time to focus some of my time on productive activities. I'm working on a new teleporter system for the sim so that will help people to find some of the features we have there for them to enjoy which will hopefully make them want to stick around awhile and maybe even return. I will be remodeling the mall soon too, putting in some old vendors to replace the newer ones which are malfunction too often. As usual, if you think of anything you'd like to see on the sim in the way of features, be sure and contact me in IM or better yet, notecard, and I'll do my best to make it happen.