What a very very busy weekend this is shaping up to be for me! One of the problems with the sim I'm on, Styll, is that it's a Homestead sim. It is full in size but lacking in prims. A full sim will accommodate up to 15,000 prims. My homestead sim only handles 3750. This has not proved to be much of a problem though however, a homestead sim can only accommodate up to 20 people for the entire sim. A full sim can handle up to 100 people. There is also the issue of lag. A full sim resides physically on a computer server. A homestead sim shares a server with 3 other homestead sims. At least that's the theory. There's some speculation that homestead sim property managers are stuffing more and more homestead sims onto a single server. That and the fact that the other homestead sim dwellers on the same server can be running too many undesirable scripts, which will slow down performance and create lag, has prompted me to take some sort of action. So I have located a full sim that is divided up into quarters. So each of these four parcels can support 3750 prims, but they can also handle more than 20 avatars. I also ran a couple of different lag meter tests on both sims and this new one, Sensual Freedom, is over twice as fast as Styll and it will be costing me nearly L$2000 less in tier per week. It would seem like a no-brainer. But there are a couple of problems.
One problem with giving up Styll and moving to Sensual Freedom is that I will be giving up all that area and privacy. On Styll, there are no neighbors to upset. I cannot imagine what it is that I or my friends would do that would upset any neighbors but you simply never know with people. Because Sensual Freedom is an Adult rated sim, I doubt any of our perverted escapades would upset anyone, but if they do not like the looks of palm trees and naked tanning models, then they could easily become upset with us.
Another problem is area. Because the area for Cherry Street will be cut down by 3/4 of its original size, I have to become very creative. The nude beach and cuddle forest will have to be down on the ground, but everything else, including the club, dungeon, castle, shopping mall and more, will have to be up in the sky. There's simply not enough room on the ground anymore for everything. This also means no more racetrack. A one quarter sim simply isn't large enough for a racetrack.
So I have been moving everything over pretty much one prim at a time. I have also created a new orgy/sex area that should prove to be popular. I have set the default teleport in site to the club and shopping mall area and shortly after doing so, I had some people pop in to check the place out, so it's working already. All of my friends have been offering their help and support due to this being such a huge project, but because of the way Linden Labs rabidly works ownership and edit rights, nobody can help move my stuff over to the new place. But it is so good to have my friends with me, side by side, offering their support. You know who you are. Thank you all.
I have lived at Styll for well over 2 years now and it will seem strange to be letting it go. I have had people live with me such as my beloved JoJo and PattiQ, Wildman, Phac, LandyinRed, Dylan, Nezzy, Jareth, Whisper and so many more. There are so many memories associated with this virtual land, it's hard to imagine. I plan on writing the estate manager a notecard thanking him for all his support over the years and saying farewell for now. I certainly do reserve the option to return to a homestead sim should this quarter sim not work out, but I am so very much looking forward to being able to hold parties and events without crashing the land we are on. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the real test tonight which is the weekly country/western dance.