Sunday, July 8, 2012


Now this worked out pretty well! We shopped for and found some good land. It is 1/2 of a full sim. 7500 prims. My exciting submissive cat and I along with our amazing daughter Neva purchased the place and are in the process of setting up home there. I say "in the process" because for some unexpected reasons, this move is more difficult than the last move from Styll to Sensual Freedom.

The differences between the two locations is that now we have a huge house on the ground. On Sensual Freedom and Styll, we have a simple skybox. So this has made the move a little more complicated. And due to a large barrier that needed to be erected between our parcel and the neighbors, there is no room for the club on the ground not to mention room for the shop.

Giant 1/2 sim wide wall of privacy
On Sensual Freedom we had 3 other neighbors as it was a 1/4 sim sized parcel. We never had any issues with the neighbors on that place. Goetz is a different story. The neighbors started contacting me immediately complaining that my guests needed to stay off of their land. Well, I'm okay with that except for the fact that I had only owned the parcel for 8 hours. How could my guests become a problem and how could they be my guests when nobody but cat, Neva and myself even knew where the place was? See how this is shaping up? The neighbors are blaming things on me before they even have all the facts. Not a day goes by that they (meaning there are at least 4 of them) don't contact me with one complaint or another. They want to keep their land parcel private, which I respect, but they are on a residential/commercial sim. They own a nightclub FFS. What do they expect?

So I had cat put up a huge border which covers half of the parcel and Neva is going to put up another one to completely block them off. I've never had so much problems with neighbors before. They need to understand that others have rights too.

All of that aside, the new home is wonderful! I let cat and Neva have at it and decorate the place. Needless to say, they did a fantastic job! I'm still working on the club move and the builder's sandbox, etc., but these girls have everything else pretty much finished. Of course land is always a work in progress here in SL, so I expect many upgrades and improvements as they become required or available. I have put up the sex/orgy/dungeon place along with the castle and our new couples cuddle forest attraction. These all exist above the ground level. I have scattered teleporters all over the land so be sure and use them to find the fun places to visit. More fun and places to come too! Be sure to visit This will bring you to the nude beach so be sure and take your clothes off before clicking :-)