Monday, October 15, 2012

Really? Another Wedding For Ritza

Oh yes, she married him once now she's married him twice! And she will keep wedding him just as often as she wants to as she has his permission!
Dok Waiting for his Bride

I'm talking about Dok and Ritza. They got married today and didn't invite anyone but me and cat. Due to RL commitments, cat could not make it but that's okay. I got some great pics!

I love weddings. Obviously Dok and Ritza do too. This one was quite exceptional. It was a beautiful place and was created by the officiant, who was RL ordained to a minister and official in SL as well. It was an awesome and to-the-point service but with a great deal of intense romance and emotion. They used rings with vows in them and were an amazing looking couple. The only other witness besides me was the lovely photographer, Savanna.

Here are some highlight quotes:

Thundar Muggins: The love these two share is so special, so magical, so romantic, it’s undefinable.
The greatest feelings in the world are those we can’t really explain.
We try to explain them day in, and day out.
But we can’t, because that feeling in us, is so powerful.
The bond these two have, it's the same intensity.
One powerful force...unbreakable.
That undefinable feeling only soulmates, such as Dok & Ritsa share.
Enjoy this feeling you two.  It comes but once in a lifetime.
Before I go further, I'd now like to ask these two soulmates to please say their vows. :)

Dok Meriman Newt (dok.newt): I promise to give you the best of myself
and to ask of you no more than you can give.
I promise to respect you as your own person
and to realize that your interests, desires and needs
are no less important than my own.
I promise to share with you my time and my attention
and to bring joy, strength, and imagination to our relationship.
I promise to keep myself open to you,
to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost
fears and feelings, secrets and dreams
 I promise to grow along with you,
to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationship
alive and exciting.
I promise to love you in good times and bad,
with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how.
Completely and forever.

ℛϊtşα Newt Johnsky (ritsa.windstorm): I stood before you what seems a lifetime ago vowing to be your wife, with tears in my eyes dreaming of a life full of love and laughter. It was a dream come true and it is again today.
How do you describe a love that goes beyond the rational? That love I have is for you.
I have loved you since the day I met you and you have captivated me body and soul since. Not even time could diminish my love for you.
Now I stand again with you declaring my love for you. I fell in love with the man behind the avi stronger than I have ever loved anyone before.
I love you stronger today than the first time we married. I will love you stronger every day after.
You are my love and my life, you are the reason I and will continue to be the reason I strive to be a better person.

With that, they exchanged rings and Thundar introduced them to us as husband and wife. I was happy to congratulate them and they did their first dance as wedded then I had to leave. No party afterward except for their honeymoon, which I'm sure was exciting.

I know, I know. SL weddings? Are they real? Well, the people behind them are real but I know lots and lots of SL people who are RL married. The partnership and wedding of souls in SL is very meaningful. There are real people behind the computer. But they are just that, not real weddings. Rather they are an extension. They are the next step toward more intense intimacy for a couple. It's the right thing to do and it's emotional and it's beautiful. And I will never turn down an SL wedding invitation if I can possibly help it. This is just another of the very intensely emotional and beautiful aspects of virtual worlds.