Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Absent Long-Time Friends

Mel and Kaboom and BillieJo are three fine example of long-time friends. They have all been friends of mine for quite a while now, but we generally do not hang out all the time nor even Instant Message (IM) each other that often. But none of us forgets the other and we all have a good time when we get together.
The Ferrari I made for Mel

Mel (short for Melindah) is the Real Life (RL) daughter of my SL sister, Whisper. We very rarely hang out but when we do, it's fun. I am unsure as to what brought this get-together on but I was in IMs with Whisper when Mel was invited and showed up. I had told her about a Ferrari I had made out of a shell of mesh that someone had created. I put scripts in it and was having lots of fun racing around in it. Mel liked the sounds of that and immediately wanted a pink colored version, which I made for her. She took me for a ride around one of my racetracks in it. Let's just say she could use a bit more practice with her deceleration and turns. But we had a great time racing around the oval track. 

When reconnecting with an old friend, catching up on what has been happening is not always what happens. Often times it is just doing what comes natural. Doing what made you friend that person in the first place and that's just hanging out and enjoying each other's company.

That's what happened at BilliJo's rez day party too. It's hard for me to grasp but you can actually look back in this blog and find a post about BJ's last rez day party. It's hard to believe that I have been keeping this online journal for over a year now. Anyway, BJ had a rez day party and the group invitations went out early which allowed for me to plan for it. It was several hours away so I decided to logoff and get my RL stuff done before logging back on again and attending the party. There were people there I did not recognize but there were also Kaboom, my SL brother, his daughter/my niece and of course BJ.

As it was with Mel, instead of trying to catch up on all that has happened since the last time we had all been together, we simply enjoyed each other's company. I was pleasantly surprised when BJ danced with me. I had every intention of showing up to the party and DJing for them but I saw that DJ IceWolf was there and yet the music was a radio station stream. Well, that's good by me. It saves having to be distracted by cueing up a playlist. So dancing with BJ was a real treat because her attitude is a complete turn-around from last year or so. I honestly did not think she even liked men but she was quick to point out that she was enjoying the dance and that she had on an open access collar too. It was a swift set of commands before I had her stripped bare naked. And as most can attest to, there's something very very special about dancing with a naked, submissive woman. I have every confidence that this party could have lead to much more fun and excitement, but RL kept calling me back and I finally had to succumb to its needs. But hanging out with Kaboom and BJ and them was a delight and I only wish I had had more time.
BilliJo's Rez Day Party

On the other end of the spectrum, there is nothing at all wrong with getting together with an old friend in SL and catching up on what has been going on with them. That too can be a good time. That's what Archer and PrincessRose did with cat and Neva and I a week or so ago when I posted that entry about voice chat. We all got together and talked, catching up on what has occurred since our last encounters. But to simply get together and realize that it would require hours of typing to bring the other party up to speed, when you don't have those hours to spare, means you can still hang out and enjoy each other's company, no matter how long it has been.