Thursday, June 13, 2013

"You Say Slut As If It Were A Bad Thing"

One thing is for sure about Second Life, you can touch someones heart, funny bone, mind, a nerve, even soul, but you cannot touch their body. That's right! There is no real physical contact. No diseases. No accidental pregnancy. That concept alone, really opens up some doors for sexual experimentation.

"But wait!" you say, "If you cannot be physically touched, how can you feel sex?" Good question! I'm sure there are many analysts out there with theories, but basically it comes down to emotions and feelings. Trust me, you can feel someone's romantic/sexual advances in SL. Some people do not, but most do. That being said, let's find out what sort of doors this may open for many users.

It never ceases to amaze me, the popularity of these so called "free sex" places. Anytime I feel like meeting new people, I don't go to the Welcome Centers for newbies, I go straight for the free sex places. Just stand around there for a while and someone is sure to contact you. There might also be a "scene" going on where a couple (or more) are having their sex out in public. It's like reading a steamy X rated book but with moving illustrations.

The people that frequent these places are usually not friends. They have just met and are strangers to each other and living a "one night stand". The male is probably thinking of himself as a stud, and the female a slut. This type of sexual encounter is very exciting for most people. The woman likes being treated like a slut and the man feels excited that she wants him. It's fun for everyone. So this woman gets a chance to let go of her inhibitions. She can let go of all of society's rules and just enjoy herself. The man can explore his more aggressive (or submissive) side without worrying about hurting the woman or being arrested or getting a strange, sexy woman pregnant.

The males are looking for a slutty woman to "play" with. The sluttier, the better. They want a woman who wants their anatomy and is willing to try anything at least once. The majority of men I observe in SL at the free sex places, walk around with erections sticking out of the fly in their pants. No shirts, sometimes no shoes, but almost always pants. This doesn't really  make much sense to me, but I'm no analyst. I just observe. Personally, I prefer no pants and flaccid until an erection is required. And because SL does not provide anatomically correct avatars, the male penis has to be purchased. Due to this fact, the skin color of the male prim needs to be matched up to the avatar's skin. This is usually accomplished via the use of a HUD (Heads Up Display) attached to your viewer while wearing your male prim. But many guys do not even bother to do this, so you see a lot of light colored penis' as you walk through a free sex place. Honestly, I don't see how those guys land girls to play with, but somehow they do.

The females on the other hand, want to appear as slutty as possible. They can accomplish this through aggressiveness or by being submissive. They can appear helplessly bound to a device with their body ripe for some horny male's use. Or they can be eager to have sex with a male by flirting with him or even capturing the submissive ones. The women tend to appear in these free sex places as nearly naked in some sort of skimpy lingerie or straps or a corset or bikini or nothing at all. She can experiment and do things she would not do in her 1st life. And make no mistake about it, there are bi-sexual practices that the woman would normally never do. And same thing for the men. Anything goes at one of these places. You simply cannot do this often in real life.

So people get to let out their inner selves without much restriction. Women exploring their inner slut. Men letting their aggressiveness run wild. It's amazing some of the things you will witness. I will probably post some of these experiences in the future sometime, but why not see for yourself? Go to