Friday, November 25, 2011

Been Away

Cat distracting me
Not much has been going on at Cherry Street this past week or so. At least not that I'm aware of. Who knows? There could have been some epic battles going on, fights to the death, huge orgies or awesome inner tube races. I would not know. I have been sick. I tried logging on a couple of times only to find myself fading away at the keyboard. I'd fall asleep and wake up wondering what the hell I am doing. It was a long achy week but sleeping through it seemed like the best idea at the time. The doc fixed me up with a shot and some pills and now I'm good as new.

Exploring a deserted island

I took cat out on a few short and quick 'dates' as time allowed. Those are always fun. A quick cruise through the sea to a secluded island and some laying out on the beach. She always manages to distract me in the most wonderful of ways. And a new/old friend of mine, Pearline has returned to SL. She used to make dresses and shoes so I have provided her with a shop and we'll see how that goes. She's been gone over 6 months so it's both odd and wonderful to have her back. I'm hoping she's here to stay. She is my SL sister.

I have not said a word to anyone just yet but I'm already thinking of holding Friday night events at Cherry Street again. I miss our get-togethers and Fridays seemed to work out best for everyone. I know I told Brox I'd try to do Friday nights for his Krimson Moon, but he now has 2 DJs which is 2 more than I have and I'm going to play the selfish card here. I miss our Friday night parties.