Saturday, June 16, 2012

cat's Rezz Day Party

Country Dancing With The Rezz Day Girl
We almost didn't pull it off but what a great party it was! It all started early one Monday. My daughter Neva asked me if I knew it was going to be her momma's rezz day on Thursday. I immediately thanked her for keeping track of that stuff because I sure don't, then mentioned we should throw a party. She suggested a surprise party and the first thing that went through my mind was how wonderful that would make cat feel. I was so excited. Neva volunteered to decorate. All I had to do was create and send out the invitations to all her friends and also make sure I got cat there at the right time. I really did not think this part would be a problem as she has been online every evening for the past 2 weeks without fail. And the invitations would be easy. Ambriel and I worked on them as we visited, ever watchful for cat to logon so I could quickly get rid of the evidence.

I sent out all the invitations to everyone I could think of as soon as I finished creating them. They had a notecard inside with a landmark and the notecard let everyone know to keep this surprise party a secret. So time, place and a mention of the theme of the party which was country/western all went out in that invitation. So I'm talking with my loving submissive the next morning when I ask her what's going on for Thursday with the premise being that maybe we could have a hot date. She told me that Thursday night would not work due to RL obligations.... OH CRAP! Now what?

As I'm fretting, fearing that I'm going to have to call this whole thing off, she coyly asks me if I know what Wednesday is. Wednesday? Well, her rezz day is on Thursday so it can't be that, right? I said, "some kind of anniversary... your rezz day?" She said yes. What? So I double checked. Yep, Neva had the date wrong. Maybe we can pull this off after all? So I told cat we needed to do something special. That I'd take her out on a hot date and to do her best to be there. She was fairly confident that she could make it. The plan is coming together. But there's the problem of sending out new invitations.
Lots and lots of friends and family showed up!

So I modify the invitations to include something about cat not being able to make it on Thursday and that we are moving the party up to Wednesday. I sent these out on Tuesday so as you can imagine, I was worried that some people may not get them in time. I updated Neva on what was happening and she got super busy on the decorations. She did a wonderful job too by the way. I'm so proud she is my daughter!

There was some confusion after sending out the corrected invitations as you can imagine. Some people who could not make it before were able to now, and others who were able to attend, were unable to now. That was bound to happen. It's not easy coordinating a group get-together in SL. Everyone's RL has to come first of course.

Neva did a wonderful job with the decorations
So the big day comes. All day long as I'm working in RL, I see cat online on the Second Life web site. I'm chewing and spitting nails hoping like hell she will not go down to the new club, which is now all decorated with barrels and hay bales and a huge poster wishing cat a happy rezz day. Lots of balloons and party favors too. So cat is wandering around SL all day long! I was so worried. I was certain she would stumble across the decorations for the night's surprise party. As it turns out, I had nothing to worry about. She was shopping for new houses for us for when we move to another parcel.. She made it to the end of her day long SL session and left for RL home. What a relief!

So I logon after my dinner and start hanging out with Darren and his friends. We have lots of catching up to do and we are admiring the work Neva did decorating the place. We play a few games of greedy then Emi shows up and we visit for a while. Then I get an out of world message: cat won't be able to make it.... Some RL stuff going on that was unplanned for. Damn! So I break the news to everyone at the club then declare that we are having a party anyway. It's at this time that I realize cat is going to feel badly because she couldn't  attend a party she didn't even know about, and I resolve never do plan a surprise party ever again. She will be feeling as if she let everyone down and that's the last thing I intended to do is make her feel down about it.
There was line dancing and ummm horizontal dancing

So we have another hour to kill so Darren, Emi and another couple of friends hang out there in anticipation of  guests showing up at 8pm and my having to break the news to them that cat won't be there. But about 30 minutes before the party is slated to start, cat logs on! Emi, thinking fast, teleports us all to her boy Gefter's place. She also reminds me that I'm dressed in cowboy gear, so I quickly change. She then teleports cat to join us. Fortunately, cat has no idea what's going on and does not suspect a thing. She simply thinks that we are exploring Gefter's new sim.

So cat IMs me telling me that she has either minutes to be online or several hours, she just cannot tell at that point. So I decide to throw her her surprise party now because she might not be around when it's slated to start. How was she able to logon at all? I would imagine RL events changed and besides, I was just grateful she was there and didn't bother to find out until later. So I teleported to the club, everyone followed, then I tp'd cat. It took her a few minutes to rez in but she started to realize what was going on. Her reaction was priceless! At first is was a simple chat message, but then as the scale of this all sank in, as more and more people started to arrive, she was so happy she was nearly speechless. And some of the things she did manage to say made me smile until my face hurt. Let's just say I could tell that she was very very happy.
Happy Rezz Day Mine!

As it turned out, cat was able to stay online for hours, so we had a wonderful party with dozens of friends and family showing up off and on. I started out DJing playing some country western requests she had asked for months ago. Then Olu was able to take over so I could enjoy my 3rd year rezz day woman. Most everyone invited was able to attend. It was great seeing Bruce there and Alo and sami and so many others too numerous to mention here. The pictures should say it all.

We all got together to celebrate the day our dearest friend, mother, lover cat came into SL to enrich out lives here. We all love you cat!