Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cherry Street Evolution

Group notices sometimes get ignored due to the fact that SL is chock full of them and an avatar can receive them offline and they are saved until the next logon (unless there are too many, in which case they get "capped" and are lost forever). Most nightclub groups I belong to do all their advertising and announcements in their group notices. So when I send out a Cherry Street group notice about changes to the shopping mall and club, it's not surprising that many members do not see it. So I'll post about the changes here.

Cherry Street is being moved down to the ground from the giant sky platform it was once in. Because Cherry Street's shops and club were metal and glass themed, and I require a tropical island beach setting on the ground, I saw fit to put the mall up in a more urban setting in the sky. It's too difficult to reproduce a beach sand and water setting up in the sky. It's much easier to make a concrete, steel and glass environment up on the sky platform. So the shopping mall, club, sex/orgy room and BDSM dungeon were all together up in the urban skybox. That is until recently.
The new Cherry Street nightclub, tropical version

Recently at Twisted Thorn's gift giving weekend, I picked up a large tropical island themed mansion. It was beautiful and large and, well, tropical! So naturally I grabbed it. And so did my friend Nim. She IMd me later in the weekend about it and I told her I had grabbed a copy too. Well, Nim is sort of an engineer and engineers see things a bit different than the rest of us. She saw that mansion as a small shopping mall. We went and looked at it again and I saw that she was right. It would make a beautiful tropical island shopping mall. So she being the extraordinary builder that she is, realized that I could use a nightclub building to match it, then I could put everything down on the ground, keeping with my tropical island theme. So I commissioned her to construct a club to match the large shop. And what a wonderful nightclub it turned out to be!

Oh yes, this place has everything!
I know, I know. I'm not promoting the club nor mall anymore. Why have them at all at this point? Because someday I will open them up again. Plus, it's always handy to have a ready-to-go nightclub in case of impromptu parties. So I've moved the club and shops down to the ground. It's a tight fit now as I only have 1/4 of a sim to work with, but it does all fit. The only thing still not moved is Whispering Jewels. As soon as she logs back into SL, I'll let her know what's going on. She will be getting the North side of the new shop for her wares. She is sometimes absent from SL for weeks at a time, but she does maintain a regular presence in InWorldz where she owns an entire sim.

The sex/orgy/dungeon will stay where it's at. Once the jewelry shop is moved, I will simply roof that area off and it will be accessible via teleport boards which are scattered all over the land.

It's just a short trip over the bridge from the club to the new
And on the subject of change, there's a very good chance that Cherry Street will be moving to a new parcel or sim. We will be increasing our square meters of ground and possibly our prim counts too. We will either aquire a homestead sim, which is the type of sim that Cherry Street started out on, or 1/2 of a regular sim. A homestead sim will provide us with a lot more area to work with and decorate and landscape, giving the visitors a more rich experience. A 1/2 of a regular sim will double our prims and double our square meters of land area. The 1/2 sim will be more expensive in the end but it provides us with much more flexibility. The homestead sim would allow us to quadruple our current land area, but the prim counts would stay the same. It would be very affordable too. Not much more than I'm spending now on tier, but because my wonderful family will be helping with the finances, our buying power is trippled so a 1/2 sim would be a painless transition from what I'm paying today.

Cherry Street Shop with Nada's upstairs.
Yes, my lovely daughter and her vivacious mother (whom I've seen naked) are moving in with me! Neva already maintains a wonderful parcel, and so does cat. Why not combine the expenses we are already paying and enrich our SL lives together? Neva had come up with this idea a while back but I was reluctant because my prim needs were quite high due to the shopping mall and club and it would not have been fair to her. She would not have been able to have enough prims nor land to setup her SL life. But now with cat in the equation, it makes it simple. A homestead sim would give us 1250 prims each, but it's wise to keep a few hundred prims free at least for rezzing things and building, so about 1000 prims each. The 1/2 regular sim would provide us each with 2500 prims each which is well over what each of us needs for our SL. Neva and cat would do the terraforming as each of them is exceptionally good at it, and I would take care of the club and shops and "play" areas.

But all that will be at least 2 weeks or so down the road and there's no hurry to transition. Neva has a beautiful parcel she's working on and I'm looking forward to living with cat. Rest assured that if and when I do move Cherry Street, I will send out group notices and post the new location here.