Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dragon & Rosa's Wedding

I love SL weddings. It's a perfect excuse for people to get together and have some fun. And Dragon and Rosa's was a very good one. What makes a good SL wedding? Short and to the point. And the more people there the better! Dragon and Rosa's wedding had lots of attendees. Their vows were short and to the point, and I was a fill in groomsman so there, the perfect wedding!

So why get married in SL you might ask? Countless reasons. SL already has a partnering option to it. You can elect to partner with another avatar via their web site. You put in your intended partner's name and they will receive a notification in their email. They can click the link and either agree or disagree to partner with you. You can have only one partner at a time. It does not cost to partner someone I don't believe, but it does cost to un-partner so be sure before you say yes.
Rosa and Dragon Wedding

But does this mean you are now SL hubby and wifey? Oh hell no! But it does mean you have chosen the avatar/person that you love (and yes, you can love without ever having physically met before. A subject for a future post I'm sure) and that you want to spend your SL life with known to everyone who reads your profile as their name will be on the front page of it. Basically, the act of partnering is stating to the world that your intentions are for this one person whom you would rather be with above all others. Beyond this, most couples have an SL wedding ceremony. The wedding is much like RL. Everyone gets dressed up, the couples do their vows and there is an officiant who declares them wed. Like I said, it's fun and a great excuse to have a party.

So I went to Dragon and Rosa's wedding not knowing for sure if I was in the wedding party or not until the very last minute. That's the way most weddings go, someone from the groom's side is unable to logon so I end up filling in. I've been in more SL weddings than I can count including two of my own. Emi had gotten an invitation a while back so she made for the perfect date to take with me. For whatever reason, we were both unable to stay for the entire reception but we did get some good dancing in to some good music.
The lovely couple exchanging vows

Weddings are a huge business in SL. Just check out the SL marketplace web site. Look for engagement rings, wedding ring sets, pews, pulpits, services, animations, photographers, cakes, DJs, garters, flowers, the list goes on and on. It's all available in SL and probably many more things than I have mentioned.

The witnesses and reception area in the back
One more thing: Weddings can be funny too. Yes, it's a serious ceremony, the pledging of vows to each other, but they can be fun vows too. One of the most memorable weddings I ever attended were between Dylan and Norman. They did their vows using a Dr. Seuss cadence. As you can imagine, it was hilarious and made everyone happy. They were still able to get their intent out in their vows to each other, but had the rest of us in stitches too. So if you ever get an invite to and SL wedding, be sure and attend. Every one of them is unique and almost always enjoyable.