Shortly after that, Lark logged on and I TP'd her over to check out my new teleport system. She tested a few destinations and was happy with it. Lark's opinion means a great deal to me because she used to construct themed sets for Rising Sun Blue's club and has a great deal of building experience. Once we finished playing with the teleporter, she asked about any new Nada's fashions. So I lead her to my affiliate shop and showed her my latest vendors. She found at least one outfit she liked and purchased it. Thank you Lark! I have yet to fill the newest section of my Nada's shop with all of the nearly 400 designs available. That's just one of the things on my "to-do" list.
Lark had to logoff but the timing was perfect because I needed to get the beach area setup for the party. Cat logged on just minutes later to say hello and to let me know that she would be on later either during or just after the party. We did some quick catching up then said our goodbyes. Her hellos and goodbyes are simply the best. I was still wearing my tuxedo from the wedding the night before and she was wearing something suitably revealing as per my wishes and her tastes.
Spin The Bottle |
Every so often, someone would TP in and observe for a while then leave. This version of Spin the Bottle is not for everyone so I was not surprised when they'd leave, but a gentleman named Angus showed up and stayed. He was wearing traditional Celtic attire, which I admired, but he quickly removed it. He was eager to join in and having another male to help me out with the two females makes a huge difference. Poor Clara would crash out every so often though and her frustration was evident, but she was able to keep logging back on quickly and pick up right where she left off. Finally a woman named Kat popped in and was also eager to join in. So now there were five of us and with this game, the more the merrier. The trivia was going and both Angus and Clara were doing quite well with it. The Spin the Bottle game was getting hotter too. Then Emi IM'd me letting me know that a friend of hers just logged on and she needed to leave for a visit. So we bid her farewell and continued on with the bottle game. It went quite well despite having only the four of us playing and the surprised reactions to some of the poses from my new guests were quite amusing. Lots of jokes and laughter. That's what it's all about!
I let the event run a little longer than scheduled only because I knew that when I left, the party would break up, but it was pretty late for my time zone and before I did leave, I encouraged my new friends to explore the sim and enjoy some of the other 'toys' there. We said our goodnights and I left for home.
Hellos and Goodbyes |
Just as I was getting my apps shut down to retire for the evening and beginning to write a note to leave for cat, she logged on. She did not have much time but I was so happy to see her. We quickly got together and paid a visit to the dungeon. A perfect ending to a perfect evening.